Developing apps atop ElectricSQL

ElectricSQL is a local-first software company. We’re building on advances in AP database technology to create a platform for local-first app development. We’re looking for two talented post-graduate students to join our team for a paid internship over the summer.


ElectricSQL (, is a local-first software platform that makes it easy to develop apps with instant reactivity, realtime multi-user collaboration and conflict-free offline support.

Local-first is a new paradigm where your app code talks directly to an embedded local database. Data then syncs in the background via active-active replication.

ElectricSQL gives you instant local-first for Postgres. Drop ElectricSQL onto an existing Postgres-based system and you get instant local-first as a replacement for your previous state transfer layer, like REST or GraphQL.

Description of the Internship

The focus of the internship is to build apps on the next version of the ElectricSQL product, feedback on the system designs and the developer experience and provide suggestions for improvements. A key aspect of this is to map application requirements to different sync models (i.e.: models for dynamic partial replication).

You can choose your own app(s) and should design the work as an experiment to evaluate the ElectricSQL development and sync models.


  • You must be proficient with reactive front-end software development and must have an understanding-of and interest-in distributed systems and technology like CRDTs.
  • Ideally you’ve worked with type systems and API / language design.
  • You are available in the summer (late June to early September)
  • You have your own computer
  • Work is remote

Electric offers a monetary compensation of 3000€ for 32 days of work.

Application procedure

Email with your CV or profile links and a short message explaining exactly why you’re interested in the internship and what you bring to the role. Deadline is noon on 12th June 2023.